
Dr. Matthias Standfest's groundbreaking work in the last decade revolves around a data-centric AI process tailored for the real estate domain. Recognized globally as the leading authority on floor plan document classification, he has adeptly addressed challenges in this space. His track record boasts successful digital transformations, combining profound methodological, domain-specific, and meta insights.

Connect with Dr. Standfest

Engage in a conversation via email. Explore his contributions on Github, connect on LinkedIn, or browse his publications on Google Scholar. Participate in enriching discussions surrounding his work on his discord server. For public speaking engagements, AI and data consultancy, or academic research collaborations, Dr. Standfest is the ideal partner.

Prestigious Endeavors

Previously, Dr. Standfest spearheaded Archilyse, revolutionizing real estate decision-making processes through advanced data analytics. His academic collaborations span esteemed institutions such as ETH Zurich and Future Cities Lab. For an exhaustive list of his professional experiences, you may request his detailed resume via email.

Signature Initiatives

Dr. Standfest's relentless pursuit of innovation is evident in the diverse projects he undertakes, all centered around data-driven improvements. Some notable projects include:

Upcoming Engagements

Dr. Standfest frequently graces both academic and industry podiums, sharing his wealth of knowledge across various subjects.